Name: Sarah
Nickname: don't have one(she does: Chokkan:) that's what i call here-Kate)
Youtube account: hoilo1122
Age: 17
Date of birth: 29-05-1993
Favorite color: turqoise, purple and red
Favorite food: pancakes, pizza, chips, crisps, lasagna, a certain salad and loads, loads more:P
Favorite flower:Oh my, that's a hard one, it think rose or tulip
Favorite H!p member:Chinami, Yossi, Linlin, Sayumi, Risa
What H!P member are you in this project? Chinami
Favorite H!p song: LOVE machine, Mr. Moonlight & Watashi no mirai no danna-sama
Introducing me:
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah, one of Kate's and Lillians friends in really life. Kate was the one who introduced me to Hello!Project and got me into the fandubbing scene. It has been more than a half year by now that I've been fandubbing and I love it! My favorite Hello!Project group is Morning Musume and I'm discovering the older Momusu songs at the moment and learning to love them. Beside fandubbing I really like reading manga or books, dancing, singing, watching movies, hanging with friends and making stuff. This can be clothes, little movies, photoshopped images, drawings, scarfs or whatever, I just really love the feeling when you have completed something after working hard. After the summer vacation I'm starting at a university and I'm really excited about it, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do exactly but it will probably something to do with Life Sciences. When I'm older I want to be a science journalist. Hmm, what more is there to say? I have two brothers, one older, one younger, I love my friends and I live day by day and try to see the positive things in life. Nice to meet you all!!
Sarah Singing:
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