Cover 1
Sarah:I lovit! I like the colors and the fact that they all look so happy
Kate: I love it 2. It's so cute and i love the Skirts
Sarah: The outfits are really nice, I would love to have a skirt like that, including the little chains
Kate: It makes me want to listen the songs on the cd:D
Sarah:me to, the anticipation is building up

Kate: Love the colors
Sarah:Yeah i love the color red^^
I really love the way yuuka's hair goes up, up and away and her hat is cute too!Kate: yep yuuka's hair looks cute but they all look cute:D let's start with the album i wanna here it so bad>3<
Onaji Jikyuu de Hataraku Tomodachi no Bijin Mama
Sarah: Waii it sounds really upbeat
Kate: another song i didn't like at first.But i got used to it now and started to love it.
Sarah: I like it I really like how happy it sounds
Kate: Great choose to open the cd. I love how nono is in the clip:D
Sarah: I love the little outcry somewhere in the middle!
Kate: Yeah you really get the idea they just made up the song. which makes it more fun:D
Odorou yo
Sarah:oh dear... that guy at the beginning...Kate: I kinda love itXD it's so cute and happy and i love the echo's :D
Sarah: erm... I dont' really like it so far... that guy really puts me of and I don't like the echo's... gomen XD
Kate: haha this would be a song i could sing on my bike:) happy and awsome:) Yes i like it:)Sarah: XD so this is one of those songs where our opinions differntiate
I don't like the instrumentals during the solo parts either
but, if they changed the things I mentioned then it would be an okay song XDKate: Most of the time i agree with you but i really like this song:) it makes me feel happy and it makes me want to go cycle in the sun:D
Sarah: no way!!! the guy has a rapping solo!!! WHYYYY!!
Onna Bakari no Nichiyoubi
Sarah: Ah, I love the instrumental at the beginning!same goes for the singing
Kate: I don't think it has anything special allthough i like the chorus.
Sarah: hmm, I gues it doesn't have something superspecial but it is a really nice song and I love the drums and bass guitar in the instrumentals, dunno why
Kate: it's okay i guess but not my favo;)
Yume Miru 15sai
Kate: I really didn't like this song at first. But now i love it:D The meaning of the song is so sweet
Sarah: I really don't like the beginning of the instrumental but it becomes better and I really like it when they're singing
Kate: i love the brigde and the clip:)
Sarah: yeah me too! I was planning to say that XD
Kate: i love the samishii part and the ending Summer love:D
Sarah: I really like the singing in this song, and from the moment they start singing the instrumental becomes really nice aswell
Shooting Star
Kate: Omg i love the beginning, so cute>3<
Sarah: it reminds me of an old movie or something alike XDuntil you hear the shouting children xD then it suddenly has a totally different feelingKate: they should make a clip that would be so cute:)
Sarah:I'm picturing them walking around on a playground with 100s of children following them XD
Kate: this would be a perfect song for a clip with a lot of snow:D and warm choco
Sarah: really? I'm picturing a warm and sunny day XD
Kate: oo i love the bridge and the ending they are so cute:D
OO ga Ganbaranakutemo Eenennde!!
Kate: ah i love this one:) it's really great, the music is pretty and i love their dresses
Sarah: I have heard this one before XD you've been stalking me with this song for quite a while, It's nice
Kate: i know i loved this one all the time:) and i love singing it or watching it:)
Sarah: It really is a fun song to watch/listen to, the SFX sounds are really cool XD
Kate: my brother thinks it's a song for clowns due to the strange sounds
Sarah: well, thats where your brother is wrong!
I really like this song
Sarah:I really like this song
I especially like the whispered part
Kate: I like everything:) how they sing and how they dance i love the skirts again:) and the whispering is cool 2
Sarah: jep, I really love this song but I don't really know anything I should say XD I'm lost for words XD
Kate: i know what you mean:) everything is in perfect balance:)
Gakkyuu Iinchou Sarah:Oh! it sounds like this could be a calm song!
Kate: yeah it does, it makes me think of be from berryz koubou
Sarah: I don't really like the singing even though I usually like calm songs
I think it's because of the groupsinging, with s/mileage I prefer it when they have solosKate: i do, but it doesn't seem right for some reason the music is beautiful:)
Sarah: yeah, i doesn't, it feels a bit off
Kate: i love the bridge it feels so right
Sarah: jeah me two!!! te oohing and the ohwowow XD
Shikkari Shite yo! Mou
Kate: wow that's different. Like really different
Sarah: it is
Kate: I love the chorus
Sarah: from sad to hyperish. it is quite nice
Kate: It fits the cover
Sarah:It does
Kate: cute and relaxed
Sarah: haha, that sounds about right
It's a cute song but it's nothing special
Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii!!!
Kate: never really liked this song
SarahHmm, I get where you're coming from I don't dislike it but just like the previous song it doesn't have something special to it
Kate: yeah indeed:) it feels like a b-side
Sarah: I do like the clip
the ending of the instrumental kinda leaves me with a sad feeling
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