Merry Christmas to everybody:D
I hope you all have a wonderfull day:) and i made a little present for you guys:D
Aitai Lonely Christmas Ringtones:D
Here they are with the names of the ones with a solo
Aitai Lonely Christmas 1: Kana & Kate
Aitai Lonely Christmas 2: Kana & Kate
Aitai Lonely Christmas 3: Sarah & Lilian
Aitai Lonely Christmas 4: Sarah & Nami
Aitai Lonely Christmas 5: Kate Ending
Hope you will all like them:D Kate made some Banners and putted them on her Blog.
But I wanna share them with you 2:)
Here they are:
Bye Bye and Merry Christmas
zaterdag 25 december 2010
woensdag 8 december 2010
Warugaki 1
Cover 1
Sarah:I lovit! I like the colors and the fact that they all look so happy
Kate: I love it 2. It's so cute and i love the Skirts
Sarah: The outfits are really nice, I would love to have a skirt like that, including the little chains
Kate: It makes me want to listen the songs on the cd:D
Sarah:me to, the anticipation is building up

Kate: Love the colors
Sarah:Yeah i love the color red^^
I really love the way yuuka's hair goes up, up and away and her hat is cute too!Kate: yep yuuka's hair looks cute but they all look cute:D let's start with the album i wanna here it so bad>3<
Onaji Jikyuu de Hataraku Tomodachi no Bijin Mama
Sarah: Waii it sounds really upbeat
Kate: another song i didn't like at first.But i got used to it now and started to love it.
Sarah: I like it I really like how happy it sounds
Kate: Great choose to open the cd. I love how nono is in the clip:D
Sarah: I love the little outcry somewhere in the middle!
Kate: Yeah you really get the idea they just made up the song. which makes it more fun:D
Odorou yo
Sarah:oh dear... that guy at the beginning...Kate: I kinda love itXD it's so cute and happy and i love the echo's :D
Sarah: erm... I dont' really like it so far... that guy really puts me of and I don't like the echo's... gomen XD
Kate: haha this would be a song i could sing on my bike:) happy and awsome:) Yes i like it:)Sarah: XD so this is one of those songs where our opinions differntiate
I don't like the instrumentals during the solo parts either
but, if they changed the things I mentioned then it would be an okay song XDKate: Most of the time i agree with you but i really like this song:) it makes me feel happy and it makes me want to go cycle in the sun:D
Sarah: no way!!! the guy has a rapping solo!!! WHYYYY!!
Onna Bakari no Nichiyoubi
Sarah: Ah, I love the instrumental at the beginning!same goes for the singing
Kate: I don't think it has anything special allthough i like the chorus.
Sarah: hmm, I gues it doesn't have something superspecial but it is a really nice song and I love the drums and bass guitar in the instrumentals, dunno why
Kate: it's okay i guess but not my favo;)
Yume Miru 15sai
Kate: I really didn't like this song at first. But now i love it:D The meaning of the song is so sweet
Sarah: I really don't like the beginning of the instrumental but it becomes better and I really like it when they're singing
Kate: i love the brigde and the clip:)
Sarah: yeah me too! I was planning to say that XD
Kate: i love the samishii part and the ending Summer love:D
Sarah: I really like the singing in this song, and from the moment they start singing the instrumental becomes really nice aswell
Shooting Star
Kate: Omg i love the beginning, so cute>3<
Sarah: it reminds me of an old movie or something alike XDuntil you hear the shouting children xD then it suddenly has a totally different feelingKate: they should make a clip that would be so cute:)
Sarah:I'm picturing them walking around on a playground with 100s of children following them XD
Kate: this would be a perfect song for a clip with a lot of snow:D and warm choco
Sarah: really? I'm picturing a warm and sunny day XD
Kate: oo i love the bridge and the ending they are so cute:D
OO ga Ganbaranakutemo Eenennde!!
Kate: ah i love this one:) it's really great, the music is pretty and i love their dresses
Sarah: I have heard this one before XD you've been stalking me with this song for quite a while, It's nice
Kate: i know i loved this one all the time:) and i love singing it or watching it:)
Sarah: It really is a fun song to watch/listen to, the SFX sounds are really cool XD
Kate: my brother thinks it's a song for clowns due to the strange sounds
Sarah: well, thats where your brother is wrong!
I really like this song
Sarah:I really like this song
I especially like the whispered part
Kate: I like everything:) how they sing and how they dance i love the skirts again:) and the whispering is cool 2
Sarah: jep, I really love this song but I don't really know anything I should say XD I'm lost for words XD
Kate: i know what you mean:) everything is in perfect balance:)
Gakkyuu Iinchou Sarah:Oh! it sounds like this could be a calm song!
Kate: yeah it does, it makes me think of be from berryz koubou
Sarah: I don't really like the singing even though I usually like calm songs
I think it's because of the groupsinging, with s/mileage I prefer it when they have solosKate: i do, but it doesn't seem right for some reason the music is beautiful:)
Sarah: yeah, i doesn't, it feels a bit off
Kate: i love the bridge it feels so right
Sarah: jeah me two!!! te oohing and the ohwowow XD
Shikkari Shite yo! Mou
Kate: wow that's different. Like really different
Sarah: it is
Kate: I love the chorus
Sarah: from sad to hyperish. it is quite nice
Kate: It fits the cover
Sarah:It does
Kate: cute and relaxed
Sarah: haha, that sounds about right
It's a cute song but it's nothing special
Otona ni Narutte Muzukashii!!!
Kate: never really liked this song
SarahHmm, I get where you're coming from I don't dislike it but just like the previous song it doesn't have something special to it
Kate: yeah indeed:) it feels like a b-side
Sarah: I do like the clip
the ending of the instrumental kinda leaves me with a sad feeling
dinsdag 7 december 2010
woensdag 1 december 2010
Hime Sakura Critics: Fantasy Juuichi
Sarah and me(lilian) commented on the new Momusu cd Fantasy Juuichi
So here it is:

CD Tracklist
1. Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game (Album Ver.)
2. Bravo!
3. Fantasy ga Hajimaru
4. Onna Gokoro to Nanto Yara
5. Ai no Honoo
6. I’m Lucky girl
7. Sungoi My Birthday
8. Ichi Kara Juu Made Aishite Hoshii
9. Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni
10. Denwa de ne
11. Seishun Collection
Cover 1

Lilian: I just love the cover. They look like beautiful dolls.
Sarah: Yes, they do! That was first thing that came to mind, esspecially Reina gives that impression
Lilian: Couldn’t agree more. I love Sayu’s look and the doll house!!
Sarah: Sayu does look nice, though I must say that I prefer Ai's dress of the ones that are properly visible
Lilian: I love all the dresses. They look so pretty>.< I don’t really like the fur on Risa’s blue dress though.. Sarah: I'm not really a fur fan either but it does look nice, I think the bow tie on JunJun's dress is more distracting
Cover 2

Sarah: I love Eri's dress!!! I couldn't see it properly on the previous cover but now that I can I'm completely in awe.
Lilian: I love it too:O. Reina kinda creeps me out, because she really looks more like a doll than a human. Sarah: Jeah, just like in the previous picture. The other girls look like they're pretending to be dolls but she really is a doll.
Lilian: Yep I love how we can see the dressed better. But Ai’s shoes are really distracting>3< I love sayu’s hair it looks sooo glossy:O
Sarah: It does! Wish my hair did that.
Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game ( Album Ver.)
Lilian: I do like this song. It’s a nice song and I love the chorus. Makes me think of Balalaika by Koha. Sarah: It really has an upbeat feel to it, it makes me feel happy though that kinda contradicts what they are actually saying
Lilian: Yeah I agree. But I love it anyway. I do wish LinLin and JunJun would have more lines. I mean they are leaving.
Sarah: Yeah, me too. They should be glorified a bit more, but this is just the first song, who knows what will come next?
Lilian: First thought: love:O. I love the genki-ness in the song. I really like it. It makes me think of bravo bravo from buono.
Sarah: Hmm, for some reason I don't like the instrumental, but I do like the singing.
Lilian: The music is indeed nothing special. But they sound fabulous anyway;)
Sarah: Exactly, which is proof of how good they are. They sound great even if the music is bad
Fantasy ga Hajimaru
Lilian: O i love the beginning:O i love sayumi’s singing:O it fits the music perfectly
Sarah: I do like the music a lot more than the previous song. Sayumi's singing has a robotic feeling to it in this which I usually dislike but it sounds good in this song.
Lilian: Usually I don’t like them either. But it fits the song. And I love Ai-chans scary high notes at the end lovely song if you ask me:D
Sarah: They really are impressive. Those high notes make the song even better.
Onna Gokoro to Nanto Yara
Lilian: I don’t like the beginning>3<. The instrumental part. But when they sing it’s getting better again:D Sarah: It sounds like a music box at the beginning
Lilian: A pretty scaring one if you ask me. The song is cute i have to say. but it's not my favorite
Sarah: Same here, it just has a quite childish feel to me if you combine the music box sound with the way they say. But it is a nice song.
Lilian: It's getting better after three minutes. it's more upbeat, more instruments probably
Sarah: Jeah, I noticed that aswell, but it still isn't one of my favorites I must say.
Ai no Honoo
Lilian: Ahh The beginning sounds so sweet>.< and bautiful
Sarah: It really is cute! A bit like a lullaby
Lilian:It’s Reina’s solo?
Sarah: I don't know, but she really does a great job
Lilian: I don’t really like Reina’s voice>3<
Sarah: I don't really dislike it, she has quite a good voice though I must say she isn't one of the best.
Lilian: I do like the last high note
I’m Lucky girl
Lilian: I like the opening, the music sounds so fun. The singing is a bit disappointing
Sarah: It does, sounds like it's going to be a cool but upbeat song
Lilian: It’s getting better, the singing
Sarah: But it does fit my prediction don't you think
Lilian: This will be a song I’m going to enjoy covering
Sarah: jeah, you're right, it will be fun to sing this one and we might be able to make an improved version Lilian: Oo I love the bridge:O and yeah some parts has to be more powerfull if you ask me
Sarah: Something that we'll be able to do way better I presume?
Lilian: mm I do hope so;) but it’s momusu we are tying to beatXD
Sarah: I'm not saying that we will do everything better, but we have a chance when it comes to that specific aspect
Sungoi My Birthday
Lilian: This sounds so cute>.<
Sarah: I do like the singing, really kawaii
Lilian: Why did they let linlin have the main vocals:S She has a powerfull voice not a cute voice>3<
Sarah: that is a mystery to which I don't know the answer, but she doesn't do a bad job, and weren't you hoping she would have more lines
Lilian:I did, I Still do>3< but they gave her the wrong song>.< this is a Aika/Sayumi/JunJun song not a Aika/LinLin/JunJun song>.<
Sarah: XD I can't disagree, but it's a great song anyway
Ichi Kara Juu Made Aishite Hoshii
Lilian:Omg what is this>.< not my favorite, but it's cute and happy. And i like the fact that there are not many solos>.<
Sarah: indeed, now that you point it out I realize it is a lot of group singing, thats nice.
Lilian: It sounds like a berryz koubou song>.< I love berryz don’t get me wrong. But it doesn’t fit momusu.
Sarah: Yeah, they have different images and they should stick to them.
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni
Sarah: I love the beginning!
Lilian: My favorite>.< i know this one already
Sarah: It has a really dreamy feal to it, like we're drifting on clouds
Lilian: I love Eri. She sings so pretty. And the songs sounds like a Anime opening. A beautiful anime opening and in a very very good way.
Sarah: Jep, it does. This is one of those songs I would like to listen to when relaxing and purely listen to music to enjoy it.
Lilian: Totally agree. This is my personal favorite. I love the bridge again:D it’s soo soothing
Sarah: It is, something you wouldn't expect of an electric guitar
Lilian: I’m going to spam you a lot with this song^^ I love itXD and that’s a promiss
Sarah: haha, don't think I'll mind if it's this song
Denwa de ne
Lilian: I don’t like it already>.< sorry ai-chan
Sarah: haha, same for me, it only took a few notes
Lilian: I know right. I love her voice but it’s not my style at all. The chorus is okay.
Sarah: Her singing isn't that bad, but I would've chosen another song for her to sing XD
Seishun collection
Lilian: saishin no youfuku ni kigaeta
Sarah: You really like this song don't you?
Lilian: Yes I do. It makes me feel so happy and makes me think of all the good times, friends, family. I really think this song is a lot of fun
Sarah: That's nice I think it's a good song though I fear that I don't like it as much as you do
Lilian: Haha I do love it a lot It really makes me happy, I don’t know why. It’s the same story with campus life ~umaretekite Yokata wa~
Sarah: That's nice I think it's a good song though I fear that I don't like it as much as you do
Favorite song?
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni. I just love this song. It’s fun and still soothing. And I really love how Eri sings her parts it sounds really awesome
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni is without a doubt my favorite song of this album. I'm sure I will listen to it a lot in the future. Its very rare that a song can make me that relaxed but this song really makes me want to lie back and relax. I predict a lot of drifting on pink clouds in my future.
Sarah and me(lilian) commented on the new Momusu cd Fantasy Juuichi
So here it is:
CD Tracklist
1. Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game (Album Ver.)
2. Bravo!
3. Fantasy ga Hajimaru
4. Onna Gokoro to Nanto Yara
5. Ai no Honoo
6. I’m Lucky girl
7. Sungoi My Birthday
8. Ichi Kara Juu Made Aishite Hoshii
9. Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni
10. Denwa de ne
11. Seishun Collection
Cover 1
Lilian: I just love the cover. They look like beautiful dolls.
Sarah: Yes, they do! That was first thing that came to mind, esspecially Reina gives that impression
Lilian: Couldn’t agree more. I love Sayu’s look and the doll house!!
Sarah: Sayu does look nice, though I must say that I prefer Ai's dress of the ones that are properly visible
Lilian: I love all the dresses. They look so pretty>.< I don’t really like the fur on Risa’s blue dress though.. Sarah: I'm not really a fur fan either but it does look nice, I think the bow tie on JunJun's dress is more distracting
Cover 2
Sarah: I love Eri's dress!!! I couldn't see it properly on the previous cover but now that I can I'm completely in awe.
Lilian: I love it too:O. Reina kinda creeps me out, because she really looks more like a doll than a human. Sarah: Jeah, just like in the previous picture. The other girls look like they're pretending to be dolls but she really is a doll.
Lilian: Yep I love how we can see the dressed better. But Ai’s shoes are really distracting>3< I love sayu’s hair it looks sooo glossy:O
Sarah: It does! Wish my hair did that.
Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game ( Album Ver.)
Lilian: I do like this song. It’s a nice song and I love the chorus. Makes me think of Balalaika by Koha. Sarah: It really has an upbeat feel to it, it makes me feel happy though that kinda contradicts what they are actually saying
Lilian: Yeah I agree. But I love it anyway. I do wish LinLin and JunJun would have more lines. I mean they are leaving.
Sarah: Yeah, me too. They should be glorified a bit more, but this is just the first song, who knows what will come next?
Lilian: First thought: love:O. I love the genki-ness in the song. I really like it. It makes me think of bravo bravo from buono.
Sarah: Hmm, for some reason I don't like the instrumental, but I do like the singing.
Lilian: The music is indeed nothing special. But they sound fabulous anyway;)
Sarah: Exactly, which is proof of how good they are. They sound great even if the music is bad
Fantasy ga Hajimaru
Lilian: O i love the beginning:O i love sayumi’s singing:O it fits the music perfectly
Sarah: I do like the music a lot more than the previous song. Sayumi's singing has a robotic feeling to it in this which I usually dislike but it sounds good in this song.
Lilian: Usually I don’t like them either. But it fits the song. And I love Ai-chans scary high notes at the end lovely song if you ask me:D
Sarah: They really are impressive. Those high notes make the song even better.
Onna Gokoro to Nanto Yara
Lilian: I don’t like the beginning>3<. The instrumental part. But when they sing it’s getting better again:D Sarah: It sounds like a music box at the beginning
Lilian: A pretty scaring one if you ask me. The song is cute i have to say. but it's not my favorite
Sarah: Same here, it just has a quite childish feel to me if you combine the music box sound with the way they say. But it is a nice song.
Lilian: It's getting better after three minutes. it's more upbeat, more instruments probably
Sarah: Jeah, I noticed that aswell, but it still isn't one of my favorites I must say.
Ai no Honoo
Lilian: Ahh The beginning sounds so sweet>.< and bautiful
Sarah: It really is cute! A bit like a lullaby
Lilian:It’s Reina’s solo?
Sarah: I don't know, but she really does a great job
Lilian: I don’t really like Reina’s voice>3<
Sarah: I don't really dislike it, she has quite a good voice though I must say she isn't one of the best.
Lilian: I do like the last high note
I’m Lucky girl
Lilian: I like the opening, the music sounds so fun. The singing is a bit disappointing
Sarah: It does, sounds like it's going to be a cool but upbeat song
Lilian: It’s getting better, the singing
Sarah: But it does fit my prediction don't you think
Lilian: This will be a song I’m going to enjoy covering
Sarah: jeah, you're right, it will be fun to sing this one and we might be able to make an improved version Lilian: Oo I love the bridge:O and yeah some parts has to be more powerfull if you ask me
Sarah: Something that we'll be able to do way better I presume?
Lilian: mm I do hope so;) but it’s momusu we are tying to beatXD
Sarah: I'm not saying that we will do everything better, but we have a chance when it comes to that specific aspect
Sungoi My Birthday
Lilian: This sounds so cute>.<
Sarah: I do like the singing, really kawaii
Lilian: Why did they let linlin have the main vocals:S She has a powerfull voice not a cute voice>3<
Sarah: that is a mystery to which I don't know the answer, but she doesn't do a bad job, and weren't you hoping she would have more lines
Lilian:I did, I Still do>3< but they gave her the wrong song>.< this is a Aika/Sayumi/JunJun song not a Aika/LinLin/JunJun song>.<
Sarah: XD I can't disagree, but it's a great song anyway
Ichi Kara Juu Made Aishite Hoshii
Lilian:Omg what is this>
Sarah: indeed, now that you point it out I realize it is a lot of group singing, thats nice.
Lilian: It sounds like a berryz koubou song>.< I love berryz don’t get me wrong. But it doesn’t fit momusu.
Sarah: Yeah, they have different images and they should stick to them.
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni
Sarah: I love the beginning!
Lilian: My favorite>.< i know this one already
Sarah: It has a really dreamy feal to it, like we're drifting on clouds
Lilian: I love Eri. She sings so pretty. And the songs sounds like a Anime opening. A beautiful anime opening and in a very very good way.
Sarah: Jep, it does. This is one of those songs I would like to listen to when relaxing and purely listen to music to enjoy it.
Lilian: Totally agree. This is my personal favorite. I love the bridge again:D it’s soo soothing
Sarah: It is, something you wouldn't expect of an electric guitar
Lilian: I’m going to spam you a lot with this song^^ I love itXD and that’s a promiss
Sarah: haha, don't think I'll mind if it's this song
Denwa de ne
Lilian: I don’t like it already>.< sorry ai-chan
Sarah: haha, same for me, it only took a few notes
Lilian: I know right. I love her voice but it’s not my style at all. The chorus is okay.
Sarah: Her singing isn't that bad, but I would've chosen another song for her to sing XD
Seishun collection
Lilian: saishin no youfuku ni kigaeta
Sarah: You really like this song don't you?
Lilian: Yes I do. It makes me feel so happy and makes me think of all the good times, friends, family. I really think this song is a lot of fun
Sarah: That's nice I think it's a good song though I fear that I don't like it as much as you do
Lilian: Haha I do love it a lot It really makes me happy, I don’t know why. It’s the same story with campus life ~umaretekite Yokata wa~
Sarah: That's nice I think it's a good song though I fear that I don't like it as much as you do
Favorite song?
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni. I just love this song. It’s fun and still soothing. And I really love how Eri sings her parts it sounds really awesome
Itoshiku Kurushii Kono Yoru ni is without a doubt my favorite song of this album. I'm sure I will listen to it a lot in the future. Its very rare that a song can make me that relaxed but this song really makes me want to lie back and relax. I predict a lot of drifting on pink clouds in my future.
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